**. [GM]은 Grease Monkey의 약어이며 파이어 폭스에서 웹페이지를 스크립트로 변경하여 볼 수 있게끔 해주는 툴입니다.
**. 인터넷 익스플로어나 타 브라우저에서는 작동하지 않습니다.
괜찮은 GM 스크립트를 소개합니다.
이번에 소개하는 스크립트는 구글 멀티 로그인 스크립트입니다.
아직 한국어버전의 사이트에서는 제대로 작동하지 않는 것 같습니다만 저처럼 구글계정이 여러개 있으신 분들에게는
많이 유용한 스크립트가 되리라고 생각합니다.
1. 스크립트 설치
2. 소스코드
// ==UserScript==
// @name Google Account Multi-Login
// @namespace http://www.crappytools.net
// @description Replaces "Sign Out" link on Google pages with a select box of accounts.
// @include http://*.google.tld/*
// @include https://*.google.tld/*
// @include http://google.tld/*
// @include https://google.tld/*
// @exclude http*://mail.google.tld/*ui=1*
// ==/UserScript==
// Begin Script Update Checker code
var SUC_script_num = 16341;
var version_timestamp = 1241062573298; // This is here for the previous version of the updater script to find.
try{function updateCheck(forced){if ((forced) || (parseInt(GM_getValue('SUC_last_update', '0')) + 86400000 <= (new Date().getTime()))){try{GM_xmlhttpRequest({method: 'GET',url: 'http://userscripts.org/scripts/source/'+SUC_script_num+'.meta.js?'+new Date().getTime(),headers: {'Cache-Control': 'no-cache'},onload: function(resp){var local_version, remote_version, rt, script_name;rt=resp.responseText;GM_setValue('SUC_last_update', new Date().getTime()+'');remote_version=parseInt(/@uso:version\s*(.*?)\s*$/m.exec(rt)[1]);local_version=parseInt(GM_getValue('SUC_current_version', '-1'));if(local_version!=-1){script_name = (/@name\s*(.*?)\s*$/m.exec(rt))[1];GM_setValue('SUC_target_script_name', script_name);if (remote_version > local_version){if(confirm('There is an update available for the Greasemonkey script "'+script_name+'."\nWould you like to go to the install page now?')){GM_openInTab('http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/'+SUC_script_num);GM_setValue('SUC_current_version', remote_version);}}else if (forced)alert('No update is available for "'+script_name+'."');}else GM_setValue('SUC_current_version', remote_version+'');}});}catch (err){if (forced)alert('An error occurred while checking for updates:\n'+err);}}}GM_registerMenuCommand(GM_getValue('SUC_target_script_name', '???') + ' - Manual Update Check', function(){updateCheck(true);});updateCheck(false);}catch(err){}
// End Script Update Checker code
if (document.domain.indexOf("google.") == -1) return;
// Load persistent user data
if (!GM_getValue)
{alert("You need the newest version of Greasemonkey to run this script. Please upgrade."); return;}
usernames = GM_getValue("usernames", "").split(",");
passwords = GM_getValue("passwords", "").split(",");
autologin = GM_getValue("autologin", "");
if (typeof(autologin) == "boolean") // For backwards compatibility with older versions of the script
var al = new Array(usernames.length);
for (var i = 0; i < usernames.length; i++)
{al[i] = "false";}
autologin = al;
GM_setValue("autologin", al.join(","));
{autologin = autologin.split(",");}
function makeUserList(prefix, suffix, numbered)
if (usernames[0] == "")
return "";
a = "";
for (i = 0; i < usernames.length; i++)
a += prefix;
if (numbered)
a += (i+1) + ") "
a += usernames[i] + suffix;
return a;
function getService()
if (document.domain.indexOf("docs.google") != -1)
{return "writely";}
else if (document.location.href.indexOf("/webmasters/") != -1)
{return "sitemaps";}
else if (document.location.href.indexOf("/calendar/") != -1)
{return "cl";}
else if (document.domain.indexOf("picasaweb.google") != -1)
{return "lh2";}
{return "mail";}
function onSelectChange()
var i = this.selectedIndex - 2;
var len = this.length;
if ((i < len - 5) && ( i >= 0))
var un = usernames[i];
var pw = passwords[i];
var al = autologin[i];
var d = /.*?@(.*?)$/.exec(un);
if ((d != null) && (d[1] != "gmail.com") && (d[1] != "googlemail.com"))
{this.parentNode.action = 'https://www.google.com/a/' + d[1] + '/LoginAction2';}
if (pw == "")
{pw = prompt('Password for ' + un + ":");}
if (pw != null)
this.parentNode.Email.value = un;
this.parentNode.Passwd.value = pw;
this.parentNode.PersistentCookie.value = al;
else if (i == len - 5)
var u, p;
if (((u = prompt('Username:')) != null) && ((p = prompt('Password (leave blank to prompt every time):')) != null))
if ((u.indexOf(',') != -1) || (p.indexOf(',') != -1))
{alert('Usernames and passwords cannot contain commas.');}
var a = confirm('Turn on autologin for this account?') + "";
if ((usernames[0] == "") || (GM_getValue("usernames", "") == ""))
{var u2 = u; var p2 = p; var a2 = a;}
var u2 = GM_getValue('usernames') + ',' + u;
var p2 = GM_getValue('passwords') + ',' + p;
var a2 = GM_getValue('autologin') + ',' + a;
GM_setValue('usernames', u2); usernames = u2.split(',');
GM_setValue('passwords', p2); passwords = p2.split(',');
GM_setValue('autologin', a2); autologin = a2.split(',');
for (var j = 0; j < 4; j++)
{this.options[len - j] = new Option(this.options[len-j-1].text);}
this.options[len-4] = new Option(u);
this.options[len-3].disabled = "disabled";
alert('Account added.');
this.selectedIndex = 0;
else if (i == len - 4)
if (usernames[0] == "")
{alert("No accounts to remove.");}
u = parseInt(prompt('Enter the number of the account to be removed:' + makeUserList("\n", "", true)));
if (isNaN(u)) {}
else if ((u < 1) || (u > usernames.length))
{alert('Invalid option.')}
u = usernames[u-1];
var un = GM_getValue('usernames').split(',');
var pw = GM_getValue('passwords').split(',');
var al = GM_getValue('autologin').split(',');
var j = -1;
for (var k = 0; k < un.length; k++)
{if(un[k]==u) j=k;}
if (j == -1)
{alert('Account appears to have already been removed. Refresh the page to update account list.');}
un.splice(j, 1);
pw.splice(j, 1);
al.splice(j, 1);
GM_setValue('usernames', un.join(',')); usernames = un;
GM_setValue('passwords', pw.join(',')); passwords = pw;
GM_setValue('autologin', al.join(',')); autologin = al;
alert('Account removed.');
this.selectedIndex = 0;
else if (i == len - 3)
var d = /google\.[^\/]*?\/a\/(.*?)\//.exec(document.location.href);
if (d != null)
{var s = 'https://www.google.com/a/' + d[1] + '/Logout';}
else if (document.domain.indexOf("mail.google") != -1)
{var s = 'https://mail.google.com/mail/?logout';}
else if (document.domain.indexOf("docs.google") != -1)
{var s = 'https://docs.google.com/logout';}
else if (document.location.href.indexOf("/calendar/") != -1)
{var s = 'https://www.google.com/calendar/logout';}
else if (document.domain.indexOf("picasaweb.google") != -1)
{var s = 'http://picasaweb.google.com/bye?continue=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2Faccounts%2FLogout%3Fcontinue%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fpicasaweb.google.com';}
{var s = 'http://www.google.com/accounts/Logout?continue=' + escape(window.location.href.split("#")[0]);}
document.location.href = s;
function getSelectBox()
selectBox = document.createElement("span");
selectBox.innerHTML = '<form name="gmLoginForm" action="https://www.google.com/accounts/ServiceLoginAuth" method="post" style="display:inline;"><select style="font-family:arial,san-serif; font-size:7pt; padding:0px; height:16px;" name="gmSelectLogin"><option>Change User...</option><option disabled="disabled">——</option>' + makeUserList('<option>', '</option>', false) + '<option disabled="disabled">——</option><option>Add Account...</option><option>Remove Account...</option><option>Sign Out</option></select><input type = "hidden" name="continue" value="' + ((document.domain.indexOf("mail.google") != -1)?"https://mail.google.com/mail/?nsr=1":document.location.href.split("#")[0]) + '" /><input type="hidden" name="PersistentCookie" /><input type="hidden" name="Email" /><input type="hidden" name="Passwd" /><input type="hidden" name="service" value="' + getService() + '" /></form>';
return selectBox;
function findLink(p)
var langs = new Array("sign out", "keluar", "surt", "log ud", "abmelden", unescape("logi v%E4lja"), "salir", unescape("d%E9connexion"), "odjava", "odjavite se", "esci", unescape("skr%E1 %FAt"), "iziet", "atsijungti", unescape("i%u0161siregistruoti"), unescape("kil%E9p%E9s"), "logg av", "logg ut", "afmelden", "wyloguj", "sair", unescape("terminar sess%E3o"), "deconectati-va", unescape("ie%u015Fire"), unescape("odhl%E1si%u0165 sa"), "odjava", "kirjaudu ulos", "logga ut", unescape("thoa%u0301t"), unescape("tho%E1t"), unescape("%E7%u0131k%u0131%u015F"), "oturumu kapat", unescape("odhl%E1sit"), unescape("%u03AD%u03BE%u03BF%u03B4%u03BF%u03C2"), unescape("%u0437%u0430%u043A%u043E%u043D%u0447%u0438%u0442%u044C%20%u0440%u0430%u0431%u043E%u0442%u0443"), unescape("%u0432%u044B%u0439%u0442%u0438"), unescape("%u043E%u0434%u0458%u0430%u0432%u0438%u0442%u0435%20%u0441%u0435"), unescape("%u0432%u0438%u0439%u0442%u0438"), unescape("%u0438%u0437%u0445%u043E%u0434"), unescape("%u05D4%u05EA%u05E0%u05EA%u05E7"), unescape("%u05E6%u05D0"), unescape("%u062A%u0633%u062C%u064A%u0644%20%u0627%u0644%u062E%u0631%u0648%u062C"), unescape("%u0938%u093E%u0907%u0928%20%u0906%u0909%u091F%20%u0915%u0930"), unescape("%u0928%u093F%u0930%u094D%u0917%u092E"), unescape("%u0E2D%u0E2D%u0E01%u0E08%u0E32%u0E01%u0E23%u0E30%u0E1A%u0E1A"), unescape("%u767B%u51FA"), unescape("%u9000%u51FA"), unescape("%u30ED%u30B0%u30A2%u30A6%u30C8"), unescape("%uB85C%uADF8%uC544%uC6C3"));
var links = p.getElementsByTagName("a");
for (var i = 0; i < links.length; i++)
for (var j = 0; j < langs.length; j++)
if (links[i].innerHTML.toLowerCase().indexOf(langs[j]) != -1 && /google\..*?logout/i.test(links[i].href))
sb = getSelectBox();
links[i].parentNode.replaceChild(sb, links[i]);
//win.document.forms.namedItem("gmLoginForm").elements.namedItem("gmSelectLogin").addEventListener('change', onSelectChange, true);
sb.firstChild.elements.namedItem("gmSelectLogin").addEventListener('change', onSelectChange, true);
catch (e) {;}
if (unsafeWindow.frames.length == 0)
{f = new Array(unsafeWindow);}
f = new Array(unsafeWindow.frames.length + 1);
for (var i=0; i < unsafeWindow.frames.length; i++)
{f[i] = unsafeWindow.frames[i];}
f[unsafeWindow.frames.length] = unsafeWindow;
for (var i=0; i < f.length; i++)
f[i].addEventListener('load', function()
if ((document.domain.indexOf("mail") != -1) && (unsafeWindow.gmonkey))
unsafeWindow.gmonkey.load("1.0", function(gmAPI)
findLink(gmAPI.getMastheadElement().parentNode, unsafeWindow);
findLink(document, unsafeWindow);
if (frames.length > 0)
for (var k = 0; k < frames.length; k++)
{findLink(frames[k].document, frames[k]);}
}, true);
3. 사용예
'2FeRed's IT 생활' 카테고리의 다른 글
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아름다운 인터넷 문화를 위해 댓글을 남겨주세요. -0-;